
The Road Most Traveled: Using the Culturally Valued Analogue (Bengali)

Zoom Online Platform

What is the starting point for establishing a vision alongside someone? For thinking about how to help a person move into a valued role? For helping someone develop deeper friendships? For helping someone get engaged more with the community? Like a bright red thread, the idea of the Culturally Valued Analogue runs through all SRV theory, providing such practical guidance on where to start and how to proceed with supporting someone with a disability to live a full life.

Certificate Course in Applied Customized Employment

Delhi, Kolkata, and Bengaluru

Work gives people a sense of purpose and self-worth. For many, it defines our identity and is a source of pride. Employment not only provides income and economic independence but also opportunities for rich social interactions and a sense of belonging.

On a Role: Practical Aspects of Role Theory

Zoom Online Platform

For those with some knowledge of Social Role Valorization principles, and who are hungry for how to help people move into valued roles, this workshop is for you. How do you identify roles people might be interested in?

Foundations of Inclusive Practice: A Glimpse of SRV

Zoom Online Platform

Across India, change leaders committed to better lives for people with developmental and psychosocial disability are talking about and learning about Social Role Valorization, a powerful set of ideas about how to assist people to have full, rich, meaningful lives.

Planning Tools for Inclusive Practice: Dynamic Processes for Change


Join us for three days of learning, discovery, and design, as we explore visual and inclusive processes of envisioning the future, and design ways to move forward and create change. This course is intended to develop awareness in using PATH and Personal Futures Planning.