
Meal delivery edited (2)

Urgent Needs: Financial and Humanitarian Aid

Keystone Human Services remains committed to our work in Eastern Europe supporting people with disability and building a more inclusive world. We strongly condemn the aggression against Ukraine and stand in full support of the Ukrainian people.
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We Stand with Ukraine

Keystone Human Services remains committed to our work in Eastern Europe supporting people with disability and building a more inclusive world. We strongly condemn the aggression against Ukraine and stand in full support of the Ukrainian people.
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New Year, New Career, Higher Pay Rates

Direct Support Professionals (DSP) will now receive $16/hour in our services in Pennsylvania, and Community Support Professionals (CSP) now start at $16.50/hour at Keystone Autism Services. The pay rate increase reflects the critical role DSPs and CSPs play in supporting people with disability to live full lives. They live our mission every day, making inclusion...
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Self-Advocates Tell the UN: “We Want Institutions Closed”

Today marks the launch of a global report by self-advocates: “Closing Institutions and Living in the Community.” Keystone Human Services is proud to have participated in the development of this report, headed by Inclusion International.
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2021 Annual Meeting

“All of us have been resilient. We have used this time to be transformative with the ultimate goal—to great inclusive communities, build a better world, and change lives,” said Charles Hooker, President and CEO of Keystone Human Services, during the 49th Annual Meeting of the Membership of the Corporation on November 4, 2021.
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Keystone Moldova’s Self-Advocacy for Better Inclusion Program Receives Policy Impact EASPD Innovation Award

Keystone Moldova has been honored with a Policy Impact EASPD Innovation Award. As part of their 25th anniversary celebrations, the European Association of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities recognized 25 innovative practices in support services. The selected practices showcase the successful implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)...
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Marcel Lemnaru

KHS and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child

The 2021 UN Convention on the Rights of the Child Day of General Discussion (CRC DGD), held at the UN in Geneva on September 16 and 17, focused on “Child Rights and Alternative Care.” In anticipation of this important event discussing children’s services, KHSI collaborated with SPOON, International Social Service General Secretariat, United Aid for...
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KHS Celebrates DSP Recognition Week September 12-18, 2021

Around the world, we set this week aside to recognize and honor the work of Direct Support Professionals. Here at Keystone Human Services, I’m proud to start the week by reaffirming our commitment to the powerful role DSPs play in making our vision of inclusion and independence real in the lives of individuals and entire...
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Children’s Rights and Alternative Care

Keystone Humans Services is pleased to support the Call to Action: Protect the right to family life and prevent institutionalization for all children . This Call to Action contributes to global efforts to promote consistent interpretation and enforcement of international human rights law regarding children with disabilities. We know that children with disabilities are over-represented...
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Building Back Better: Reflections on the United Nations Conference of States Parties on the Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

People with intellectual and developmental disabilities were marginalized long before the COVID-19 pandemic. Still, the events of the last year and a half have highlighted the realities and consequences of systems that exclude people by design.
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