Keystone Human Services International


Children’s Rights and Alternative Care

Keystone Humans Services is pleased to support the Call to Action: Protect the right to family life and prevent institutionalization for all children . This Call to Action contributes to global efforts to promote consistent interpretation and enforcement of international human rights law regarding children with disabilities. We know that children with disabilities are over-represented...
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Building Back Better: Reflections on the United Nations Conference of States Parties on the Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

People with intellectual and developmental disabilities were marginalized long before the COVID-19 pandemic. Still, the events of the last year and a half have highlighted the realities and consequences of systems that exclude people by design.
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4 Principles to Ensure People with Disability Maintain Independence and Control

On June 8, 2021, representatives from Keystone Human Services – Meritt Buyer, Strategic Partnerships Officer; Genevieve Fitzgibbon, Deputy Director for Keystone Human Services International; Dan Mathieu, Service Director at Key Human Services in Connecticut; and Laura Tieman, Vice President of Business Development – attended the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities’ regional consultation...
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Keystone Moldova Signs Collaboration Agreement for Inclusive Career Guidance

On March 11, 2021, the State Pedagogical University "Ion Creanga" (UPSC) and Keystone Moldova signed an important collaboration agreement as part of the implementation of a "Cross-border Partnership for Inclusive Career Guidance" project for young people with disability in Romania and Moldova.
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Advocate from Moldova Speaks on COVID-19 and Deinstitutionalization at Regional UN Consultation

On February 25, 2021 the UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities held a consultation with persons with disabilities through their representative organizations on the theme: “From isolation, invisibility and segregation into inclusion of persons with disabilities in the community. Identifying and overcoming barriers to the successful process of deinstitutionalization.” This regional consultation for Eastern Europe and...
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CRPD Implementation in the EU – Support for Deinstitutionalization of People with Disability in the Republic of Moldova

People with disabilities have the right to live in the community receiving adequate support according to their needs, according to Article 19 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
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More Than Half of People with Disabilities Say Their Families Are Economically and Socially Affected By the COVID-19 Pandemic

Almost 50% of people with disabilities say they have not had access to information about the pandemic, and 51% say they have felt much more nervous during this period. In a study conducted by Keystone Moldova Association and the Alliance of Organizations for People with Disabilities in the Republic of Moldova (AOPD), the most common...
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Liliana Malancea Receives the Edna Silberman Humanitarian Service Award

Keystone Human Services is proud to announce that Liliana Malancea is this year's recipient of the Edna Silberman Humanitarian Service Award for her contributions to her community and her role in making Keystone's vision real in the lives of others. Liliana founded the Unitate Community Center in Tudora, Moldova, an after school program providing social...
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Keystone Moldova Receives Two Zero Project Awards

Keystone Moldova has received two awards from the Zero Project for the Community for All – Moldova program and the Alternativ Forum Theatre. The Community for All-Moldova program is supporting people with disabilities to leave institutions and live in the community. The Forum Theater is using interactive performances to teach students to stop discrimination and...
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Kindergarten Inclusion

When you look at Ruxanda, you see two keen eyes, two braids, and a big smile. Every morning, she wakes up early, gets dressed, and goes to kindergarten, where she has many friends and spends the day playing with the other children and discovering the world.
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