Mary Kratzer


Mary Kratzer

College Supervisor, Wilson College
Member of the Following Boards: Keystone Human Services, Keystone Service Systems, Inc., The Keystone Membership

Serving on Keystone Boards since 1985, Mary is currently a board member of Keystone Human Services and Keystone Service Systems, Inc., and was appointed to Life Membership of the Corporation in 2020. She has held many positions, including Chair of the Governance and Nominating Committee and Chair of the Audit Committee for Keystone Human Services, and Chair of the Board, Chair of the Finance Committee, and Chair of the Quality Committee for Keystone Service Systems, Inc. Mary says, “It has been my privilege to work with the leaders of Keystone who are truly committed to its mission and values.”

Mary and her husband David are the parents of Christopher, an adult with autism. Seeking to ensure a meaningful life for Chris has guided her years of advocacy for people with autism and intellectual disability. Chris lives in a beautiful community home where he receives extensive supports from his fantastic Keystone team.

In 1992, Mary received the Edna Silberman Humanitarian Service Award, the only person to have received the award directly from Edna.

Mary Kratzer is a College Supervisor at Wilson College, Chambersburg, and has previously taught in both public and private settings. She created the Spanish program at St. Stephen’s Episcopal School in Harrisburg and taught Spanish there for more than twenty years.

Mary is an active member of AAUW (American Association of University Women), Harrisburg Branch, having served as President and Chair of the Scholarship Committee. She is a graduate of Shippensburg University with Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees in Education.
