CRPD Implementation in the EU – Support for Deinstitutionalization of People with Disability in the Republic of Moldova

People with disabilities have the right to live in the community receiving adequate support according to their needs, according to Article 19 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. In 2017, the CRPD Committee adopted general comment No. 5 on Article 19 on living independently and being included in the community, which clearly states the obligation of States Parties to adopt a plan for deinstitutionalization. However, more than a decade after the EU and all 27 of its Member States ratified the CRPD, millions of people with disabilities continue to live in institutional settings. Keystone Human Services International’s Regional Office for Eastern and Central Europe, Keystone Moldova, EASPD, Inclusion EuropeInstitutul pentru Drepturile Omului (IDOM), and  Alianta Organizatiilor pentru Persoane cu Dizabilitati (AOPD) called upon the European Commission and the  European Parliament to support comprehensive deinstitutionalization of persons with disabilities in Moldova through The Neighborhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument in the 2021-2027 period. 

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